Sunday 11 March 2012

Love, War and Gaian Ecosorcery 3 with John Lash - March 10, 2012

Topics covered include the current Swan Devi perigee, the full moon and upcoming planetary alignments spanning up to the upcoming apogee of March 25th, peeling off the Kabuki mask of evil, and coming to grips with what lies therein, comments on the recent statements by United States Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, the False Transpersonal, the face of the True Transpersonal, what is “magical” thinking, why to stay clear of it and how power sharing differs from it and wishful thinking, the falsity of believing we have inalienable rights and the trap that said beliefs place on one, how we determine our rights through agreement with each other, Nikita the cat example, an unspoken agreement is a broken agreement, there is no authority in determining rights, “All my relations” declared at sweatlodges, clarification of the intervention scenario, the element that differs us from our fellow animals, drawing our ethics from the natural world, the role of Thelete, “from all of my relations I receive the basis of my rights”.

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