Monday, 26 March 2012

Swan Deva sunset crescent


The sunset crescent of Swan Deva as seen from Tochigi Japan on March 24, 2012 at 6:30 PM. This is the youngest sliver of a SC that I have ever encountered.It is almost impossible to make out what you are seeing. You see Venus near the top, Jupiter below and then the sunset crescent below it looking like a dot and not the sliver that it appeared to be in the Naked eye.

 I wasn't even planning on looking for it on my way to Aikido this evening. But there I was just humming along listening to Utada's “A.S.A.P” if I remember correctly (what a surprise), smoking a baby cigar and just having the best drive ever and as I turned around a gentle curve to the south-west I spotted Jupiter and Venus and just as a thought was forming-there it was! Stunningly slight and perfectly horizontal, like an Egyptian boat taken out of the hieroglyphs, delicate and calling out, “Hey, here I am. Surprise!” I was floored at seeing it so early in the shift and actually had to stop the car and gaze at it for a few minutes and hence the picture. It was shortly after this that I felt this was to be a repeat of the Swan Deva/Nairatmya shift again and was not too surprised to see the Navigator confirm this a bit later. If this second round is anything like the first one, well, all bets are off. I look forward to deepening my experience of this apogee that I am right in the middle of as I write this. Anyway, this is a rather light first blog entry to get the ball rolling. I hope you all get a kick out of this SC shift.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Love, War and Gaian Ecosorcery 4 with John Lash

Love, War and Gaian Ecosorcery #4
In this talk we go into the impact of the most recent 3/10 perigee, changes in the BEMA and the filamentary caress, mitocondria and ATP, the neural stimulation of the 2/11 perigee, the qualifications of being a Kalika warrior and the pleasure of being an animalistic predator, reclaiming society from the psychopaths, the destruction of rights as part of a deliberate ploy, claiming our essence as a true human being as a dangerous animal, the instinctive recognition of readiness, what is necessary to perform the Kalika vow, freedom from paradigms in Kala Tantra, the balance between control and spontaneity, transparency and notification, APA-absence of physical agency, comparison with homeopathy, the naming of targets, not falling into aimless violence.

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Sunday, 11 March 2012

Love, War and Gaian Ecosorcery 3 with John Lash - March 10, 2012

Topics covered include the current Swan Devi perigee, the full moon and upcoming planetary alignments spanning up to the upcoming apogee of March 25th, peeling off the Kabuki mask of evil, and coming to grips with what lies therein, comments on the recent statements by United States Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, the False Transpersonal, the face of the True Transpersonal, what is “magical” thinking, why to stay clear of it and how power sharing differs from it and wishful thinking, the falsity of believing we have inalienable rights and the trap that said beliefs place on one, how we determine our rights through agreement with each other, Nikita the cat example, an unspoken agreement is a broken agreement, there is no authority in determining rights, “All my relations” declared at sweatlodges, clarification of the intervention scenario, the element that differs us from our fellow animals, drawing our ethics from the natural world, the role of Thelete, “from all of my relations I receive the basis of my rights”.

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Friday, 9 March 2012

Love, War and Gaian Ecosorcery 2 with John Lash 2012/3/5

Topics covered include the differences between Planetary Tantra, Kala Tantra and the Gaian Navigation Experiment, a detailed retelling of the events of July of 2008 on Infinity ridge, how VV relates with us, telluric discharges, peace offering to VV, tongue on knife spontaneous ritual, the most powerful addiction, the pain of not being seen, the components of the Kala Tantra Vow, 3 principles of Kala Tantra and Dakini syntax, consecration rituals, more detailed explanation of the difference between PT and KT, the carnal embrace ritual in Kala Tantra, improvisation in ritual creation, the rush of the dreaming attention, the veracity of interactions with PAM, desire and liberation, freedom through desire, finding the Devi tree, the importance of staying with the Nagual, the role of the Kalika warrior, the fallacy of a belief in inalienable rights, our position in the “food chain and much more. 

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